“The publication project of “Managibname” by Pir Mohammad of Karabakh” is being implemented

"Miras" Social Organization in Support of Studying of Cultural Heritage is known for its extensive activities in the field of study, protection and promotion of cultural heritage in Azerbaijan. The association, which has implemented numerous local and international projects to this date, has done a lot to promote spiritual values.
In February 2020, "Miras" Social Organization in Support of Studying of Cultural Heritage established the “Karabakh Research Community” to promote Karabakh's heritage and spiritual values. Members of the “Miras” Public Union, which study and research Karabakh and promote its spiritual heritage, have gathered together within this community. The association invites volunteer researchers to join the community. It is planned to implement various projects in this field.
One of such projects is the "Publication of the “Managibname by Pir Mohammad of Karabakh", which started to be implemented in September 2020. The goal of the project is to transliterate, simplify, prepare and publish the "Managibname" written in Turkic language by Pir Mohammad Ganjavi, one of the Sufis from Karabakh that is little-known and promoted in Azerbaijan and around the world.
Pir Mohammad is one of the khalvati sheikhs who lived during the reign of the Safavid Shah of Azerbaijan Tahmasib I (1524-1576). He is a descendant of the famous Sufi Shams Tabrizi. Pir Mohammad is the caliph of Sheikh Abdulgaffar. It is interesting that “Managibname” mentions the names of many saints, such as Sheikh Gubad and Sheikh Mansur, and provides interesting stories about them. The second main interesting aspect of “Managibname” is that the toponyms of Karabakh covering the 16th century, such as villages, hamlets, rivers, valleys and mountains are mentioned.
The head and author of the project is Shahla Khalilli, a researcher at the Department of Research of Turkic Manuscripts of the Institute of Manuscripts named after Mohammad Fuzuli of ANAS, chairman of "Miras" Social Organization in Support of Studying of Cultural Heritage. Copies kept at the Institute of Manuscripts named after Mohammad Fuzuli of ANAS and the Istanbul National Library of Manuscripts were used for the study of the work.
Transliteration of “Managibname” book by Pir Mohammad of Karabakh, its simplification of the text into our modern language and editing, preparation and publication of the book are carried out with the financial support of the Moral Values Promotion Fund of the State Committee on Religious Associations of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Oxunub: 554